In my work I deal with existential questions, such as: the meaning of life and death, how can we live a significant existence, who are we as humans? Where answers are not readily available, I try to explore with my images: in greatness and insignificance, in vulnerability and transience, in stillness and motion, in darkness and in light. I feel connected to the ideas of existentialist philosophers and use them as inspiration in my photographic oeuvre.

With my images I try to show how life can also be: dark, alienating, and alone. Humans seek their way through chaos and darkness, and try to add structure and find support in what surrounds them. Bright spots provide direction, but they do not lift the isolation of the searching human. We are surrounded by the greatness of nature and we stand in the dimmed light of ever-continuing time. Vulnerability and decay are certainties that are difficult to derive support from. Yet, everyone has to learn how to love their own inevitable fate. 

I show moments that are detached from their past and their future. I want to seduce the viewer to embrace every moment anew, to feel love for what is, and to even cherish fate.

I use different techniques to edit my images, such as etching, zokin gake, and cyanotype. By using these techniques, I add an extra dimension to bring the images to life.




About me

Paulien Dubelaar (1974) has been active in education throughout her entire working life, the last thirteen years as a manager. Since 2017, she has found her passion in photography. After taking several courses, she started the ‘Conceptual Image’ course at the Fotoacademie Amsterdam in 2021. In December 2023, she graduated and now combines her work in education with her work as a visual artist. 

March 2024 she joined the Kahmann Gallery LAB. For inquiries, exhibitions or questions contact the Kahmann Gallery.